cuticular wax造句

"cuticular wax"是什么意思   


  1. The chemical and physical properties of cuticular waxes indicate that they have vital functions for plant life
  2. The cuticular wax layer of plants is the outmost structure and provides a protective barrier , which consists predominantly of long - chain hydrocarbon compounds
  3. The primary role of cuticular waxes is to restrict non - stomatal waterloss . waxes also have many other functions , such as protection against uv radiation and resisting bacterial and fungal pathogenes
  4. It is not know how cuticular waxes reach the epidermal surface from intracellular . the pathway most likely involves endoplastric reticulum , transport vesicles , substrate ligands , vesicle receptors and many other secretory factors
  5. Wax precursors are synthesized in the plastids and enlongated to very long acyl - coa chains as direct processors in er . once the very long acyl - coa chains are synthesized , they are converted to cuticular waxes by four different pathways
    一般认为蜡质前体是在质体中合成并在内质网中延伸成特长链脂酰辅酶a ,合成的特长链脂酰辅酶a通过四种不同的途径转化成蜡质组成成分。
  6. It's difficult to find cuticular wax in a sentence. 用cuticular wax造句挺难的
  7. This article discusses the composition of epicuticular wax of plant leaves , taxonomic utilization of morphological characters of wax , and the important function of cuticular wax for plants , such as protection from irradiation injury , loss of water , attack by microorganisms , parasitic insects


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